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Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Facebook Dynamic Ads


Reach more customers and make sure that your products reach the right people by using Facebook Dynamic Ads. If you use Facebook to feature your business, you’re likely familiar with an ad’s typical carousel-type. Now, this is just one way Facebook captures the interest of its users. 

There are many kinds of dynamic ads that, when used correctly, can make a huge difference in your marketing success. Let’s find out how to set up Facebook Dynamic Ads and how to make the most out of this method in this step-by-step guide. 

What Are Dynamic Ads?

Dynamic Ads can help you reach the right customers at the best time. It is a feature in Facebook business pages that finds customers based on how they interact with ads in the past. If you were to create a dynamic ad for your baby clothing business, Facebook would feature your ads to people who have searched, viewed, and watched videos about similar products in the past. 

Members will receive accurate information about baby clothes in their newsfeed and, if they are interested, may wish to view the ad, which leads to your products or business page. Customers who are taken to your products page are more likely to purchase and complete a transaction. 

Facebook dynamic ads are so powerful that they can be used on different products and services. You’ve probably seen dynamic ads for hotels if you have searched for your anniversary staycation or a carousel of pet food as you looked for dog food for a new puppy. Facebook dynamic ads are always ready to give customers the right products according to their needs and interests. 

What Are The Requirements of Running Dynamic Ads?

To be able to start dynamic ads in Facebook, you need the following:

Product Feed

The product feed or product file is where your products and all the information about them are stored. The feed has all product images, including images of the product features and specs. Label your product file correctly. 

Product Catalog

The product catalog or catalog is where the product feed is located.  Having a product catalog makes it easier to upload and promote your products using Facebook dynamic ads.

Business Manager or Folder

The business manager is the main folder where everything is located. It has all your assets, including your ad account, Facebook page, Pixel, and your dynamic ad’s assets like your product feed and catalog. Just like your other folders, label this large folder appropriately.

How To Start Using Facebook Dynamic Creative Ads?

When properly executed, you can use dynamic ads to help you gain more attention in social media. The type of advertisements that will be featured (whether custom or standard) will depend on your business, products, or services. 

The first event is viewing the content of the dynamic ad. The system tracks all key page views from the article, landing page, or the products pages. The next event is when your customers find the product that interests them, they may add to the cart. The system also tracks when the viewed items were added to the cart/basket.

After adding the products to the shopping cart, the customer is at the third event and initiates checkout. The system tracks when customers complete this action (from the landing page or a Checkout button). And as the customer makes the purchase, the last event, the system also tracks and makes sure that the checkout flow is complete with a Thank You or Confirmation page.

These are just a few events that you can use to guide your customers towards your goal. Find out what events you need and when you’re satisfied, you can go ahead and start creating your Facebook catalog  ads feed. 

1. Create a Product Feed Using a Template

Facebook follows a strict template to create a product feed. Advertisers must list all their products following a format so that it’s easy for the system to feed them to the catalog. You may need to save products in .csv, .xml, or .tsv file format depending on the eCommerce platform you’re using. Sometimes, an advertiser may use a third-party provider to do this for them. 

Look for the data feed template and download the file. The template has the following:

  • Product ID: The product ID is a unique code for a particular product or item similar to an SKU. The maximum number of characters for a product ID is 100 characters.
  • Availability: This is the current availability of your product in the shop. You should always keep this updated and make it a point to update the availability every day or a few times a day. 

The supported words for the availability tab are “In stock,” “Pre-order,” “Available for order,” “Out of stock,” and “Discontinued.” 

  • Condition: This is the current condition of the product in the shop. The supported words for this tab are “new,” “used,” and “refurbished.”
  • Description: Make a short description of the item. Include the size, shape, design, material, etc. The maximum number of characters for the item description is 5000 characters.
  • Image Link: Place the URL of the image that was used. Facebook is very keen on the image’s size as the carousel uses a square aspect ratio format (1:1); the image should have 600 x 600. For ads that use a single image, the file must be at least 1,200 x 630. 
  • Link of your website: This is the link or the URL of your website where customers can purchase the item.
  • The title or name of the item: This is what the item is called; you must follow a maximum character count of 500.
  • Price: The price of the product and should show the currency. The currency code must follow the price according to ISO 4217 standards. For example, 10 USD or 20.25 CAD.
  • GTIN or the Global Trade Identification Number: The GTIN is a unique number for the item and is different in many countries. UPC is for North America with 12 digits, EAN in Europe with 13 digits, JAN in Japan with 8 to 13 digits, and ISBN for books with 13 digits. The maximum number of characters for the GTIN is 70. 

Once you have completed properly filled out the template, test it with the Feed Debugger. This program will help ensure that the feed is correct. It will also check if there are any issues in your feed. 

2. Designing a Product Catalog

Once the feed is complete, it’s time to create your product catalog. Go to the Catalog Manager found in your Facebook business manager and select the type of catalog that will best work with your business. 

  • From the Create Catalog page, you can select the category that describes your type: E-commerce, Travel, Real Estate, or Auto. 
  • After selecting the correct product catalog, choose Add Products and start uploading the product feed. The Add Products to Your Catalog page appears; you can select from Use Data Feeds, Add Manually or Connect Facebook Pixels. 
  • Choosing the Data Feeds will upload your data feed file, which has all your products and specific information. If you select Add Manually, you can add products to your catalog one at a time using a simple form. 
  • Finally, the Connect Facebook Pixels will use Pixels or a code in your website to update your products from the catalog. This will automatically happen when someone accesses or visits the site. 
  • It is recommended to use Data Feeds for easy, seamless uploads. Afterward, select how you want your data to be uploaded.  You can use a one-time or scheduled upload. Then, place the URL of the product feed. 

Afterward, go to the Diagnostics to check if there are any problems. You may also use the Feed Debugger to find out if there are any issues. Once everything is set up, you may now start with your dynamic ads strategy.

3. Starting a Dynamic Ads Campaign

To begin your Facebook dynamic products ads campaign, go to the Ads Manager and select Catalog Sales. This is your objective for creating your dynamic ads campaign. The target audience will automatically see products. 

  • From the ad set, create your product set. This is the subset of the product catalog and has products displayed for a particular campaign. 
  • Afterward, the audience section is next. Select the item that says, “Define a broad audience and let Facebook optimize who sees your products.” By selecting this, your ads can reach would-be customers; you allow Facebook to prospect for you. 
  • Choose “Use info from your Pixel or app to create a retargeting audience” to start remarketing your visitors. 
  • From the Connections page, choose “Show Advanced Options,” where you can narrow your audience. Through this menu, you can also exclude people that you think are not likely to consider your offer. This could be someone that has recently purchased an offer. 

You may also optimize the event type by selecting the event such as View Content, Purchase, Add to Cart, etc. and choose the conversion type you prefer. Complete all other information. When you’re done, the ad will be created. 

All that needs to be done is to choose your ad’s format (whether single or carousel). There’s no need to insert the product name, product description, and other information for the ad copy. Use the plus button found on every box to get a catalog field from the product feed.       

How To Use Dynamic Ads Creatively?

All verticals can profit from Facebook dynamic creative ads campaign. You have to think creatively. 

1. Dynamic Ads for Blogs

If you want more people to visit your blog, use dynamic ads to promote your posts. Your articles and posts will be your products. Using dynamic ads will save you time plus, you can automatically target selected customers. 

2. Dynamic Ads for Betting Services

If you own a betting company or manage marketing for a betting company, you can use dynamic ads to promote its services. The different games will be your products; update the availability of these products accordingly. 

3. Dynamic Ads for Recipe, How-To, and Instructional Sites

Use dynamic ads to manage sites that feature how-to videos and lists, instructions, or recipes. The different topics will be your products. You can target specific audiences like those who are vegan, diabetic, etc. Dynamic ads are customized according to tracking data, cookies, and other information, and thus, your instructional ads can reach specific people. 

Final Thoughts 

Facebook Dynamic Ads have a lot to offer. It’s a great solution to boost your marketing strategy. Dynamic ads can automate ad creation and help you find more likely customers to take your offers. It is also versatile and easy to use; you don’t need to be techy to create your own Facebook dynamic ads campaign.

Learn more about setting up ads at Rocketium.

Ayush Parti

Ayush Parti

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