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Dawn of Limitless Communication: CreativeOps for Today’s Enterprises

Published originally on Afaqs

Digital content consumption has rapidly grown in the past decade with an exponential bump in the post pandemic world, seeing as high as a 30% increase across all industries. Given that 93% of all communication today is visual, the average brand today has about 8 seconds to grab people’s attention.

To understand how the current communications ecosystem can support this massive leap in digital consumption, we sat down with Rocketium’s founders Satej Sirur and Anurag Dwivedi, who have spent the better part of a decade building and perfecting a product that solves the challenge of communicating at scale.

A combination of “Creative” and “Operations”, CreativeOps brings together the various parts of design and marketing operations to help brands go live faster with their campaigns, translating to more business impact in much less time. Akin to the rise of DevOps in software, the adoption of CreativeOps ushers a new agile culture for many enterprises still held back by legacy tools and processes.

“CreativeOps is a growing industry that’s seeing much more innovation in the recent decade. Technology is now solving painful, long-existing gaps between ideation and go-to-market. This is redefining how enterprise teams collaborate. Efficient CreativeOps provides a compelling ROI to enterprises and will be pervasive in the future – akin to marketing automation”, says Silicon Valley investor Ankur Jain from Emergent Ventures.

Agile CreativeOps

What we’re talking about is a CreativeOps revolution, a new culture of data-driven creative operations that makes a brand’s communication infrastructure more agile so that scale and speed are no longer challenges. In the same way that DevOps radically changed how software and IT worked together for faster delivery and iteration, we see a similar shift in the way CreativeOps is bringing together business and design teams for greater efficiency and business impact.

The article starts by establishing the current gaps that exist between the current teams, processes and tools involved in today’s enterprise communication, weaving in expert voices of our founders who have spent the better part of a decade building a design tech product catering to Fortune 500 companies like Amazon and Walmart. We proceed to chalking out the parts that make up for creativeOps and how they’ve evolved – from production to operations and advanced analytics.

“By leveraging products like Rocketium that already solve for the entire creativeOps journey for top global enterprises, there’s nothing that can stop brands from unlocking growth at an unprecedented scale,” says consumer strategist and investor Sajith Pai from Blume Ventures.

Read the full article published on Afaqs.

If you’d like to have a chat to understand more about CreativeOps, reach out to us on

Suzanne Sangi

Suzanne Sangi

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